Far North

Christian School

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About Us

God has commanded parents to raise their children in the instruction and training of the Lord. Therefore, we believe that the education of children is the responsibility of parents. We value the insights of parents into their children.

We want parents to feel comfortable in approaching us about anything that would help us team together to accomplish the grand task of educating children. We also believe that parents should be sure that what we teach as a school, especially in matters of eternal importance support and enhance what they hold sacred. We believe that all truth is centered in Christ; hence, there is no truth in education that rejects or excludes Christ in its philosophy.

An education that teaches the truth about God, man, this world, and the world to come is a necessity if parents are to fulfill their obligation to God and their children.

We exist for the primary purpose of educating youth in Christian philosophy. In support of this main objective, we pursue the following:

  • lifting up Christ until He can draw every student to Himself,
  • maintaining academic standards that enable the student to face the challenges of the material and spiritual worlds,
  • making the ultimate aim of our training conformity to Christ, not adjustment to the age,
  • maintaining a disciplined environment that will lead the student into voluntary self-discipline,
  • providing an environment protected from the hostile and harmful elements of the world until the student can mature and develop sufficient strength to triumph over these evils,
  • and preparing the young person for that final test when each shall stand
    before his Maker to give an account of himself.

We admit students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

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